Click here for the proficiency test registration page or the current QuIP-Program 2025 (Version 14.01.2025), which can also be downloaded as a PDF.
The program is updated regularly with the current version date displayed on the cover page of the program. Please refer to the instructions for the proficiency test(s) before registering/enrolling in the test(s).
QuIP is a provider of proficiency tests accredited by German Accreditation Body (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH - DAkkS) according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17043:2010. The accreditation is only valid for the scope of accreditation listed in the certificate attachment D-EP-21450-01-00. The accreditation certificate including the attachment can be found here Accreditation.
For the programme/catalogue (please see the column "Accreditation") it is marked accordingly whether the proficiency test is covered by the scope of accreditation by the DAkkS or whether the proficiency test is not covered by the scope of accreditation.